Hot or Not? Let’s Do Better


“That outfit looks like a Kardashian, that died out years ago.”

“You need to find a new look, for god’s sake you call yourself a stylist, try harder.”

(Do I look hot in this pic? Yes. Do I like the clothes I’m wearing? Love them. Could I have paired them with more clothes? Yes!)

The above comments felt incredibly harsh initially, but it opened up my eyes to my downward spiral of recent lazy fashion choices.  There are a very select few beloved individuals I permit to critique my fashion choices and although I scoff at them in the moment, I appreciate the honesty and know they have my best interest at heart.

When it pertains to my clients or a project, I strive to create looks and images that embrace their personalities, make them stand out amongst peers and leave memorable impressions. I want my people to look tasteful, sharp, chic and at times “hot” depending on the situation. Equally as I adore styling, I love fashion. In my past I would make time to flip through Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar publications from all over the globe. I kept up with fashion photography, designers and super-models but I have lost focus, and I believe society as well, of what is real fashion.

Real style and fashion are separate from having on a nice outfit or looking “hot.” Unfortunately, I, and a good portion of society, have meshed the two ideas into one.  A good outfit can be bought and when worn on a person with an alluring human form they appear “hot.” Style or fashion when done creatively, thoughtfully and with sincerity go beyond the notion of “hotness.”  When fashion is done well and born from the individual, their very being and personality, it is transcendent. Style is beyond trends. Good fashion is timeless, inspiring and honest in representing our humanity. Good style does not just highlight our most desirable features, good style has the power to communicate and project our best selves.

Fashion and style are past being “hot”, it is meaningful. One’s “hotness”, both male and female, are definitely appreciated.  We are predisposed to appreciate the carnal, erotic and sexual aspects of the human form. Yet because of media and current culture, we are constantly bombarded with images that communicate “hotness” at our fingertips. It is ubiquitous.  The pervasiveness of it is on par with fast food. It is accessible and cheap. Fashion and style are hard. It requires more effort from us and more from people that work to achieve it, because it is rare. The archetypes are powerful and few in number. Coco Channel, Grace Kelly, Eileen Gray, Bianca Jagger and Marilyn Monroe have stood the test of time and are mimicked by many.

Fashion can unquestionably be “hot” but looking at a snapshot of popular culture we see “hot” everywhere and it is not fashionable.  For those faux sexy starlets and insta famous figures who call themselves fashionable, even myself currently, it is time to try harder and re-educate ourselves on what defines a stylish individual.


One Response to “Hot or Not? Let’s Do Better”

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