How ALG Can Help Style Help Your Business

Fashion is not only runways and red carpets. Fashion is an every day thing, that everyone uses. Unfortunately, many people do not use fashion to their full advantage. Enter ALG Style, we are a full-service image consulting company that helps you look your absolute best. More importantly, we help make great first impressions to improve your bottom line. Below are a few examples of how hiring ALG Style improves your business:


  1. You are your brand. While your work may speak for itself, clients are 100% considering how you present yourself. From an ill-fitting suit to an unprofessional outfit, clients are making a judgment on your professional appearance. ALG Style works with you to create your own unique sense of style. When you and your staff are more comfortable with your appearance, you are innately more confident. Your clients will notice.
  2. How to prepare new hires. New hires coming straight from college are sometimes unpolished, they are meeting with your clients and sending the wrong message. ALG Style helps your employees understand what is expected of them. Employees are walking, talking billboards of your brand.
  3. Big Presentations. ALG Style works with you on what to wear, what to say and what colors and silhouettes are best suited to you and your brand. Everything you need to command respect when you walk on that stage or into that big meeting.


Want to learn more about how a personal stylist at ALG Style can help your business? Give us a call or email today!

Phone: (504) 237-1104


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